Saturday, July 13, 2013

Etiquettes of Sleeping

This morning when I opened my Dua book to read the morning Duas, I came to this page where it says....."Ettiquettes of Sleeping". So I read.

As I was reading it, I just realized that I haven't been doing these ‘adab tidur’ for quite a while. Let’s take one adab for an instance, to sleep with wudhu'.

What normally happen with me is I would keep my wudhu after Isya' solah, but if it breaks later on before I go to bed, I would just go to sleep without making a new wudhu, out of pure laziness I have to admit L

Now, this time when I read these etiquettes again, I feel like I want to make a fresh start and try to practise these adaab of sleeping.

I remember once we learned in a hadith that Nabi S.A.said: 

"Whenever you go to bed perform ablution like that for the prayer, lie on your right side and say: 'Allahumma aslamtu wajhi ilaika, wa fauwadtu Amri ilaika wa aljatu zahri ilaika, raghbatan wa rahbatan ilaika, lamalja'a wa la manja mink a ill a ilaika. Amantu bikitabi kalladhi anzalta wa bi nabiyyikal-ladhi arsalta'.

(O Allah! I surrender to You and entrust all my affairs to You and depend upon You for Your Blessings both with hope and fear of You. There is no fleeing from You, and there is no place of protection and safety except with You O Allah! I believe in Your Book (the Qur'an) which You have revealed and in Your Prophet (Muhammad) whom You have sent.)

Then if you die on that very night, you will die with Iman. Let the aforesaid words be your last utterance (before sleep)”
(Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 4 :: Hadith 247)

This hadith explains the need to do ablution before going to bed along with that dua. If we die the same night, we will die on Iman. What can be more lovely then to die as a faithful muslim?

Here I remind myself first and the rest of you upon observing these etiquettes before going to bed InsyaAllah J  

1.      Perform wudhu’ if you don’t have.
2.      Read Ayatul Kursi, Surah Waqiah, Surah Yasin, surah Baqarah (verse 284-286) and surah Kahfi (verse 102-110).
3.      Perform 2 rakaats of Solat Taubah.
4.      Read Tasbih Fatimah (33 Subhanallah, 33 Alhamdulillah, 34 Allahuakbar).
5.      Apply Surma.
6.      Forgive each other at least in your heart.
7.      Sleep while thinking of death and regretting for not be able to carry out Allah’s commands as they ought to be carried out. Ask for Allah’s forgiveness and guidance for yourself as well as for the entire Ummat.
8.      Sleep facing the Qiblah, with knees slightly bent, while placing the palm of the right hand under the right cheek.

9.      Sleep with the intention of waking up for Tahajjud. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ramadhan: 10 Advices

الوصايا العشر فى رمضان

الوصية الأول

للصائم عند فطره دعوة لا ترد، فاغتنموها، وأعطوا منها شيئا لاولادكم واحبتكم عسى الله ان يصلح حالهم يارب 
والله العظيم كل خير انا شفته فى حياتى كان بسبب دعوات رمضان استغلوها ولا تنسونى منها بارك الله فيكم.

الوصية الثانية:
قيام رمضان، وإياكم أن يفوتكم أجر القيام فيه، فكلنا محمل بأحمال من الذنوب والخطايا، وقيام رمضان بأكمله يعطيك صك مغفرة لما تقدم من ذنوبك، مؤكدًا على لسان نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.

الوصية الثالثة:
لا تضيعوا خير ليالي السنة؛ العشرة الطيبة؛ العشرة الأخيرة من رمضان، والزموا فيها الصلاة والدعاء وعمل الخير، فإن بتلك العشرة ليلة خير من ألف شهر، من حرم أجرها فقد حرم.

الوصية الرابعة:
إياكم ثم إياكم أن تفوتكم آخر ليلة من رمضان، ففي تلك الليلة يغدق الله على عباده من الرحمات بقدر ما أعطاهم طوال الشهر، ويعتق فيها من الرقاب بقدر ما أعتق طوال الشهر، ولعل الله عز وجل لم يكن قد كتبك في سجل العتقاء من النار في الشهر بأكمله، وينتظرك أن تطرق بابه في آخر ليلة لتفوز مع الفائزين، فاحرص حرصا شديدا على أن تشغل تلك الليلة كلها بكل دقائقها بالذكر والدعاء والتلاوة والقيام.

الوصية الخامسة
 كن جوادا كريما، كما كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فكان أجود ما يكون في رمضان، فأري الله منك زهدك في مالك، واستغنائك عنه في سبيل نيل رضاه، وأنفق كل ما تستطيع إنفاقه، فطر الصائمين، وأطعم المساكين، أعط هدية لجارك، صل رحمك، تذكر أقرباءك الفقراء، أغدق عليهم مما أنعم الله عليك من فضله، اشتر أشرطة ورسائل وتصدق بها على مسلم غافل لعله يهتدي على يديك، وسع على أهلك .... وبالجملة أشغل بالك بالنفقة في سبيل الله في هذا الشهر.

الوصية السادسة:
إذا ذكر رمضان كان قرينه القرآن، فعليك باغتنام كل لحظة في تلاوة القرآن، واجعل لك هدف انك تختمه، لعل الله يطلع عليك وأنت على تلك الحال وينظر إليك نظرة رحمة لا تشقى بعدها أبدا، والأمر يسير على من يسره الله عليه، واستعن بالله ولا تعجز. 

الوصية السابعة:
إياك وأن يمر عليك الشهر وبينك وبين أحد من المسلمين قطيعة أو مشاحنة، فمتى يكون التسامح إن لم يكن في رمضان، وتذكر قوله تعالى واصفا أحبابه من عباده المؤمنين {أذلة على المؤمنين}، فتغاضى عن حقك وتواضع يرفعك الله عنده، وهو الفوز العظيم.

الوصية الثامنة:
إن كان لك أسرة؛ زوجة وأولاد؛ فلا تنسهم من وصاياك ونصائحك، واجعلهم يشاركونك في الأجر والثواب، فإذا تهجدت فلتكن إماما لهم، وإذا قرأت فأمرهم بملازمة المصحف، وإذا استغفرت ذكرهم بالاستغفار، فإنك مأمور بذلك وليس هذا نفلا، واستمع إن شئت لقوله تعالى: {يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارا وقودها الناس والحجارة، عليها ملائكة غلاظ شداد لا يعصون الله ما أمرهم ويفعلون ما يؤمرون }

الوصية التاسعة: 
إن علامة قبول الطاعة الطاعة بعدها، فإذا أردت أن يتقبل الله منك الشهر فأره من حالك تغيرا، ولا تعود للتقصير بعد رمضان، فإذا كان العيد فصل فيه الرحم، ووسع فيه على الأهل، ولا تنس أن كنت تتلو عشرة أجزاء من القرآن في رمضان، فليكن على الأقل في غيره ثلاثة، ولا تفرط في القيام، وحافظ على أحد عشر ركعة في كل ليلة، لن تأخذ من وقتك أكثر من نصف ساعة، ولازم الذكر والاستغفار تكن من المفلحين.

الوصية العاشرة:
لا تنسن المسلمين من صالح دعائك الآن، بارك الله فيكم وشكر لكم عملكم، وتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Staying Awake Tonight

                                                        بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Ramai antara kita yang suka tidur lewat kan? Yang muda-muda pulak lagi la...Staying up till late at night sampai 2-3 pagi perkara biasa je sekarang ni...Ada yang sibuk dok layan movie, ada yang keluar enjoy dengan friends dan ada juga yang marathon anime 23 episod. Tak kira la aktiviti apa kita buat, yang penting kita tidak merasa susah, mengantuk mahupun penat. 

Dalam banyak-banyak malam yang kita spend untuk benda-benda yang melalaikan ni...apa kata malam ni, kita cuba ubah selera sikit. Cuba kita stay up untuk beribadat sempena Nisfu Sya'ban. Bukan maksud saya kita ibadat bila ada special occassion je...tapi, dah namanya 'special occassion' kena la kita treat malam ni special jugak kan. Tak kan kita nak biarkan ianya berlalu begitu sahaja..?

Nisfu Sya'ban ni macam pernah dengar je...tapi apa ya...? (saya bertanya)
(Saya jawab sendiri): 'Nisfu' maksudnya 'setengah'. Jadi Nisfu Sya'ban maksudnya hari ke-15 Sya'ban. Ok, saya tak mo explain panjang-panjang, please read on to understand what night of Nisfu Sya'ban is and how virtuous it is.....May Allah bless you all..

Nisfu Sya'ban - 15th Of Sya'ban

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘This is the night of the half of Sha’ban. Allah Ta’ala looks upon His slaves in this night and forgives those who seek forgiveness and bestows His mercy upon those who pray for mercy but leaves those who have malice (against a Muslim) as they were before, (and does not forgive them unless they free themselves from malice).’(Bayhaqi #3835)
• Hazrat Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) has reported Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) to have said, ‘This is the middle Night of Sha'ban. Allah emancipates in it a large number of the people from the Fire, more than the number of the hair growing on the sheep of the tribe of Kalb. But He does not cast a glance at a person who associates partners with Him, or at a person who harbours malice in his heart (against someone), or at a person who severs family ties, or at a man who leaves his clothes extending below his ankles, or at a person who disobeys his parents, or at a person who has a habit of drinking wine.’ (Bayhaqi) The tribe of Kalb were a large tribe, the members of which owned many sheep. Therefore, the last sentence of the hadith indicates the large number of people forgiven on this night by Allah Ta’aala.
It is understood from Ahadith that even on this great night, some unfortunate individuals are deprived of Allah's forgiveness. They are:
1. Idolaters
2. Those who harbour enmity against others
3. Those who consume alcohol
4. Those who disobey their parents
5. Those men who wear their clothes below their ankles
6. Those who commit murder
7. Those who sever family ties.
We can thus gauge the severity of these sins and need to abstain from them at all times.
• The virtue of this night established from these ahadith is that from the very beginning of the night Allah Ta’ala turns with special mercy and attention towards the creation and forgives those who repent and seeks forgiveness. Every Muslim should therefore value this night. Turn towards Allah Ta’ala with sincere regret and shame over sins committed and make a promise never to return to sin again and seek forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. Seek forgiveness for oneself and all Muslims, living and deceased. Have firm hope and resolution in the heart that Allah Ta’ala will surely show mercy and forgiveness.
In order to achieve the blessings of the Night of Bara’ah, one should remain awake as much as one can. If it is possible, one should spend the whole night in worship. However, if one cannot do so, one can select a considerable portion of the night, preferably the second half of it, and perform the following acts of worship:
• SALAAH: It is the most preferable act to be performed in this night, particularly after midnight in solitude. There is no particular number of raka’aat, but preferably it should not be less than eight. It is also advisable that each part of the salaah like qiyaam, ruku and sajdah should be longer than normal. The longest surahs of the Noble Qur'an one remembers by heart should also be recited.
• TILAAWAH: The recitation of the Noble Qur’an is another form of beneficial worship in this night. After performing Salah, or at any other time, one should recite as much of the Noble Qur’an as one can.
ZIKR & SALAWAAT(DUROOD): One should also recite as much dhikr (recitation of the name of Allah) as possible in this night, as well Salawaat/durood on our noble master Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. These can be recited while walking, lying on bed and during other hours of work or leisure.
• DU‘A: The best benefit one can draw from the blessings of this night is by asking Allah in earnest. It is hoped that all our prayers in this night will be accepted by Allah. Du’a itself is an ‘ibadah, and Allah Almighty rewards the reciter for asking, in addition to fulfilling his/her needs. The following Duaa has been reported from Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) on this night:
A’uzu bi afwika min iqabik wa auzu bi ridaka min sakhatik wa auzu bika minka la uhsi thanaa an ‘alayka anta kama athnayta ‘ala nafsik.

TranslationOAllah! I seek protection through Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek protection from Your anger by means of Your pleasure. I seek protection in You from You, I cannot truly praise You, as You ought to be praised, You are as You have praised Yourself.
• Fast of the 15th of Shabaan: On the day immediately following the Night of Bara’ah, i.e. the 15th of Shabaan, it is mustahabb (advisable) to fast. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have recommended this fast, as well as keeping any fast in the first half of this month in particular. A large number of our pious predecessors of the Ummah have been observing the fast of the 15 of Shabaan. (Sunan ibnu Majah #1388)
May ALLAH TA’ALA grants us forgiveness and accept all our beneficial duas…ameen
And Allah Ta’ala knows best…

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The 10 Habits of Remarkably Charismatic People

* I do not own this article.

Some people instantly make us feel important. Some people instantly make us feel special. Some people light up a room just by walking in.

We can't always define it, but some people have it: They're naturally charismatic.

Unfortunately, natural charisma quickly loses its impact. Familiarity breeds, well, familiarity.

But some people are remarkably charismatic: They build and maintain great relationships, consistently influence (in a good way) the people around them, consistently make people feel better about themselves--they're the kind of people everyone wants to be around...and wants to be.

Fortunately we can, because being remarkably charismatic isn't about our level of success or our presentation skills or how we dress or the image we project--it's about what we do.

Here are the 10 habits of remarkably charismatic people:

1. They listen way more than they talk.

Ask questions. Maintain eye contact. Smile. Frown. Nod. Respond--not so much verbally, but nonverbally.

That's all it takes to show the other person they're important.

Then when you do speak, don't offer advice unless you're asked. Listening shows you care a lot more than offering advice, because when you offer advice in most cases you make the conversation about you, not them.

Don't believe me? Who is "Here's what I would do..." about: you or the other person?

Only speak when you have something important to say--and always define important as what matters to the other person, not to you.

2. They don't practice selective hearing.

Some people--I guarantee you know people like this--are incapable of hearing anything said by the people they feel are somehow beneath them.

Sure, you speak to them, but that particular falling tree doesn't make a sound in the forest, because there's no one actually listening.

Remarkably charismatic people listen closely to everyone, and they make all of us, regardless of our position or social status or "level," feel like we have something in common with them.

Because we do: We're all people.

3. They put their stuff away.

Don't check your phone. Don't glance at your monitor. Don't focus on anything else, even for a moment.

You can never connect with others if you're busy connecting with your stuff, too.

Give the gift of your full attention. That's a gift few people give. That gift alone will make others want to be around you and remember you.

4. They give before they receive--and often they never receive.

Never think about what you can get. Focus on what you can provide. Giving is the only way to establish a real connection and relationship.

Focus, even in part and even for a moment, on what you can get out of the other person, and you show that the only person who really matters is you.

5. They don't act self-important…

The only people who are impressed by your stuffy, pretentious, self-important self are other stuffy, pretentious, self-important people.

The rest of us aren't impressed. We're irritated, put off, and uncomfortable.

And we hate when you walk in the room.

6. …Because they realize other people are more important.

You already know what you know. You know your opinions. You know your perspectives and points of view.

That stuff isn't important, because it's already yours. You can't learn anything from yourself.

But you don't know what other people know, and everyone, no matter who they are, knows things you don't know.

That makes them a lot more important than you--because they're people you can learn from.

7. They shine the spotlight on others.

No one receives enough praise. No one. Tell people what they did well.

Wait, you say you don't know what they did well?

Shame on you--it's your job to know. It's your job to find out ahead of time.

Not only will people appreciate your praise, they'll appreciate the fact you care enough to pay attention to what they're doing.

Then they'll feel a little more accomplished and a lot more important.

8. They choose their words.

The words you use impact the attitude of others.

For example, you don't have to go to a meeting; you get to go meet with other people. You don't have to create a presentation for a new client; you get to share cool stuff with other people. You don't have to go to the gym; you get to work out and improve your health and fitness.

We all want to associate with happy, enthusiastic, fulfilled people. The words you choose can help other people feel better about themselves--and make you feel better about yourself, too.

9. They don't discuss the failings of others...

Granted, we all like hearing a little gossip. We all like hearing a little dirt.

The problem is, we don't necessarily like--and we definitely don't respect--the people who dish that dirt.

Don't laugh at other people. When you do, the people around you wonder if you sometimes laugh at them.

10. ...But they readily admit their failings.

Incredibly successful people are often assumed to have charisma simply because they're successful. Their success seems to create a halo effect, almost like a glow.

The keyword is seem.

You don't have to be incredibly successful to be remarkably charismatic. Scratch the shiny surface, and many successful people have all the charisma of a rock.

But you do have to be incredibly genuine to be remarkably charismatic.

Be humble. Share your screwups. Admit your mistakes. Be the cautionary tale. And laugh at yourself.

While you should never laugh at other people, you should always laugh at yourself.

People won't laugh at you. People will laugh laugh with you.

They'll like you better for it--and they'll want to be around you a lot more.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Favorite Illness

Abu Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him – said: 
"There is no illness that afflicts me more beloved to me than fever: it enters every part of me and [because of it] Allah the Mighty and Sublime gives every part of me its share of reward."
Shaykh Al-Albaani’s Saheeh Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 1/198.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ilham Dan Kasyaf Dalam Islam


Kasyaf kepada wali Allah ini ada banyak bahagiannya, seperti berikut:

1) Kasyaf Mata

Mata dapat melihat alam mawara-ul-maddah atau disebut sebagai alam yang seni-seni atau boleh disebutkan sebagai alam di luar kebendaan. Di sini, mata dapat melihat perkara-perkara ghaib seperti malaikat, jin dan syaitan. Kasyaf inilah yang menjadikan orang seperti Sayyidina Umar r.a nampak apa yang sedang berlaku pada tentera-tenteranya. Karamah seperti ini penting kerana dapat menyelamatkan seluruh tentera Islam.

2) Kasyaf Telinga

Kasyaf telinga disebut juga hatif. Telinga boleh mendengar benda-benda yang ghaib. Mendengar suara tetapi tidak nampak lembaganya sama ada dari jin Islam yang soleh, malaikat atau waliullah. Suara itu adakalanya membawa berita gembira, adakalanya berita yang negatif. Tujuannya ialah Allah hendak menghiburkan orang yang mendapatnya. Kalau berita itu berita gembira, boleh menggembirakannya. Sebaliknya, kalau berita itu berita duka, juga akan menggembirakannya kerana dia tahu terlebih dahulu, sekurang-kurangnya dia boleh bersiap menghadapi ujian itu. Atau dia boleh mengelak daripada bahaya itu.

3) Kasyaf Mulut

Tuhan beri kepada orang itu, lidahnya ‘masin’ seperti doanya kabul atau apa yang dia sebut terjadi sama ada jangka pendek atau jangka panjang. Juga, di mana saja dia memberi kuliah, nasihat, tunjuk ajar, berdakwah dan sebagainya, ianya mudah diterima masyarakat dan boleh mengubah hati mereka. Akhirnya berubahlah sikap masyarakat. Karamah seperti ini biasanya dikurniakan kepada pemimpin.

4) Kasyaf Akal

Mendapat ilmu yang seni-seni yang Allah SWT kurniakan pada seseorang terus jatuh ke hatinya. Ini terjadi tanpa dia belajar, tanpa membaca, tanpa mentelaah dan tanpa berguru. Dinamakan juga ilham atau ilmu laduni. Agar tidak terkeliru, perlu diingat orang yang hendak dapat ilmu laduni itu, dia mestilah dahulu ada ilmu asas iaitu ilmu fardhu ain.

5) Kasyaf Hati

Dinamakan juga firasat. Inilah kasyaf yang tertinggi daripada kasyaf-kasyaf yang disebutkan tadi. Biasanya dikurniakan kepada pemimpin . Itupun tidak banyak kerana Allah SWT kurniakan hanya kepada pemimpin-pemimpin yang sangat soleh, yang sangat sabar menanggung ujian yang begitu berat ditimpakan kepada mereka. Kasyaf hati ialah rasa hati atau gerakan hati yang tepat lagi benar. Dia boleh menyuluh mazmumah yang seni-seni yang kadang-kadang kita membaca kitab tak mengerti. Termasuk juga adalah rasa hati dapat membaca diri seseorang.

Nabi pernah bersabda, “Hendaklah kamu takuti firasat orang mukmin kerana dia melihat dengan pandangan Allah”.

Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan firasat itu ialah kasyaf hati. Orang yang mendapatnya dapat memimpin diri dan dapat memimpin orang lain. Kalau tidak, seorang itu tidak layak jadi pemimpin. Kalau dia terus memimpin rosaknya lebih banyak daripada kebaikan.

Pengetahuan mengenai gerak geri manusia, cara, sikap, perangai baik dan buruk, ucapan serta akhlak seseorang. Firasat ini diperoleh disebabkan nur yang dilemparkan oleh Allah SWT ke dalam hati orang beriman. Kuatnya firasat ini bergantung pada kuatnya keimanan. 
Allah SWT memberikannya kepada para wali-walinya yang terpilih dan juga sebagai bekal dakwah untuk menyampaikan mesej yang paling sesuai kepada mereka yang akan mendengar. Firasat ini tidak boleh diingkari sebagaimana firman Allah yang lalu pada surah Al-Hijr ayat 75. maksudnya:

"Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang yang memperhatikan tanda-tanda."      
Riwayat daripada Anas bin Malik: Satu hari Anas pergi bertemu Sayidina Usman tetapi sebelumnya beliau pergi ke pasar dan ternampak seorang wanita. Apabila Anas masuk bertemu Sayidina Usman lalu sayidina Usman berkata: “Salah sorang daripada kamu masuk bertemu ku tetapi di matanya terdapat kesan zina”.  Lalu Anas berkata: Apakah masih ada wahyu selepas Baginda? Jawab Sayidina Usman: Tidak, tetapi ini adalah firasat dan petunjuk.

Berkata Ibn Abbas: Tidak ada seorang pun yang bertanya kepada aku kecuali aku mengetahui sama ada dia seorang faqih (berilmu) atau tidak.
Keramah yang Allah SWT kurniakan kepada Tok Kenali : Suatu hari Tok Kenali terdengar orang ramai riuh rendah bersorak di Kampung Pulau Bunut (Kelantan) kerana meraikan kemenangan dalam laga lembu. Beliau menegur situasi itu dengan menyatakan," gamaknya mereka bersorak menolong rumah terbakar.

Ditakdirkan Allah, malam itu unggun api yang dipasang pemilik lembu jantan yang menang dalam temasya itu untuk mengasapkan nyamuk, merebak memusnahkan rumahnya menyebabkan dia tinggal sehelai sepinggang. Peristiwa terbabit menyebabkan penduduk Kampung Pulau Bunut dan sekitarnya meninggalkan perbuatan berlaga lembu yang berdosa dan tiada perikemanusiaan itu.
Firasat hanya akan diperoleh oleh orang-orang beriman. Berkata Abu Syuja’ al-Karmani :

"Untuk mendapat firasat ini : Sesiapa yang menjaga matanya daripada yang haram,  menjaga dirinya daripada mengikut syahwat, sentiasa menghidupkan batin dengan muraqabah kepada Allah dan tidak akan makan kecuali yang halal, maka firasatnya tidak akan tersilap."

Sahabat yang dikasihi, 
Demikianlah huraian mengenai kasyaf yang di ambil daripada hadis Nabi SAW dan kisah sahabat dan para wali Allah menjadi panduan kita semua sekiranya akan berlaku perkara-perkara luar biasa dimasa akan datang. Kita janganlah mudah terpengaruh sekiranya seseorang mendakwa bahawa dia kasyaf sedangkan peribadinya bukan seorang yang berakhlak Islam dan ianya bertentangan pula dengan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah. Kita hanya ambil dua sumber yang jelas iaitu al-Quran dan as-Sunnah , insya Allah kita tidak akan sesat selama-lamanya.