Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wudhu 24 Jam

7 Benefits of Staying in The State Of Wudhu' At All Times.

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan says, 'Some *A'rifin (Gnostics) have said that any one who stays in a state of wudhu at all times will be awarded 7 benefits by Allah :-

(1) Angels will desire to be in his company.
(2) The pen will constantly write virtuous deeds for him.
(3) His limbs will praise Allah .
(4) He will never miss his takbeer oola (first takbeer of Salaah).
(5) When he sleeps Allah will send Angels to protect him from the evil of jinn and humans.
(6) He will die an easy death.
(7) He will remain in the protection of Allah for as long as he is in this state.

Selain daripada faedah-faedah kat atas tu, ada lagi faedah yang lain....Antaranya, orang yang sentaiasa dalam keadaan berwudhu, kalau meninggal dunia, dia adalah seperti seorang yang mati syahid. (Pahala orang mati syahid ialah, sebelum titik darah pertama jatuh ke tanah, Allah dah ampunkan segala dosanya)

Then, ada lagi. Kalau seseorang tu tidur dengan wudhu, maka pahala yang dia akan dapat adalah pahala orang yang beribadah sambil berpuasa.
MasyaAllah! Tak puasa pun boleh dapat pahala puasa dengan berwudhu sahaja. Dah wudhu , dapat tidur pulak tu, senang sangat2.
Lagi satu, bila kita ambil wudhu, jangan lupa mulakan wudhu kita dengan lafaz Bismillah. Sebab bila kita baca bismillah, ianya akan bersihkan seluruh badan kita,dari hujung rambut hingga hujung jari kaki. Sebaliknya, kalau kita tak baca, wudhu tu akan bersihkan anggota2 wudhu yang kita basuh sahaja.

* Aarifeen - Orang2 yang sangat alim, yang dah sampai ke tahap makfirat Allah yang tinggi.

Lagi, ada satu cerita tentang Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam madzhab Hanafi yang boleh nampak dosa yang keluar dari anggota2 bila seseorang tu ambil air sembahyang. Here goes the story.....

Allamah Abdul Wahhab Sha'rani says that once ImamAbu Hanifa RH was in the wudhu area of the Jami' Masjid in Kufa and saw a young man performing wudhu. Drops of water were dripping from his body, the Imam said, 'Son! Repent from disobeying your parents', the young man instantly replied, 'I repent'. The Imam then saw drops of water dripping from the body of another man and said, 'Brother! Repent from adultery', the man replied, 'I repent'. The Imam then saw drops of water dripping from the body of a third person and said, 'Repent from consuming alcohol and listening to music', he replied, 'I repent'. Sayyiduna Imam Abu Hanifa had been given the power of kashf (spiritual insight) and was able to see the faults of people but he asked Allah to take this power away from him. Allah accepted his request, and from then on he could no longer see the sins of people during wudhu.

Because bila kita wudhu, dosa kita diampunkan, so lets try and perfect our wudhu. Just think about our sins being wiped out from our limb. Dont rush when performing wudhu' rather take time in doing it.

I'm going to sleep now, but b4 that, Wudhu!

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