Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Baju Kurung Jarang (warning!! Muslimin jangan pandang lama2/ jgn lihat gambar langsung!)

"Among the dwellers of hell are such women as are clothed yet naked,
seduced and being seduced. These shall not enter the Garden, nor shall (even) its
fragrance reach them."

Pagi tadi ana pergi Mydin Mall Kuala Terengganu (kampung ana)...Masa tgh beratur nak bayar, ternampak seorang cashier perempuan betul2 depan ana. Somehow, ana tak boleh nak larikan pandangan ana dari dia. Kenapa agaknya ya.........???

Oh ya, yang paling menarik perhatian ana adalah baju raya dia! Baju kurung warna maroon, yang nipis dan jarang sehinggakan ..... paham kan? ( nampak aurat macam dlm gambar). Cuma dia pakai tudung warna sedondon.

Seriously, i was practically STARING at her (from behind of course, she didn't notice it at all) for like...the whole time i was queueing! Tiada fikiran buruk tentang Muslimah tu, melaikan ana rasa kesian dan risau. Rasa tanggungjawab pun bercampur sekali waktu tu.

Otak ana ligat berfikir macam2. Nak tegur, tak nak tegur? Kenapa dia pakai macam tu? Macam mana agaknya persekitaran dia di rumah? Sebab kalau dia pakai tudung, InsyaAllah dia paham yang rambut wanita ialah aurat, sebab tu dia tutup.
Tapi........ lengan, belakang dll tu tak aurat ke? Hish...ana muyskil2...sebab tu ana tengok je dia, sambil tengok, sambil fikir...

Ana tak tahu nak kata apa.....Ana doa supaya mana2 Muslimah yang masih berpakaiaan begitu, semoga Allah gerakkan hati untuk dalami ilmu agama tentang aurat. Aurat Muslimah ialah perkara yang sangat asas, tetapi di tangga keutamaan, ia menduduki tangga yang sama seperti solat. Macam mana penting nya solat, macam tu la pentingnya AURAT untuk Muslimah..

Semoga Allah titipkan cahaya hidayah ke dalam hati cashier Muslimah yg ana nampak tu Ameen!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Etiquettes of Eid

Etiquettes of Eid

1. To spend the night before Eid in ibadat like solah and zikir. It is narrated in a hadith that :
"Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting
rewards from his Lord, his heart will not die when the other hearts will die."
(Ibn Majah)

The scholars agreed that it is mustahab to spend the night before Eid in prayer.

2. To arise early in the morning.

3. To take a full bath (ghusl) after fajr, with the intention of fulfiling the sunah act.

Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) mentioned that the scholars were agreed that it is mustahab (recommended) to take a bath before the Eid prayer.

4. Clean your teeth.

5. Wear best clothes, even if they be new or old. The clothes should be according to the syariah. And it should not be revealing (the aurah) and transparent ect. for women.

-The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) approved of 'Umar's idea of looking one's best (Umar recommended buying Jubbah – long garment), but he rejected and denounced the idea of buying this jubbah because it was made of silk.

-Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had a jubbah (long garment) that he would wear on `Eid and on Fridays."

6. Wear perfume (for men). It is HARAM for woman to wear perfume and go out from her house. Similarly, she is not allowed to wear perfume in the presence of non mahram men. In a hadith it is narrated that, a woman who goes out of her house wearing perfume, she is like a prostitude (penzina/pelacur).

7. Eat breakfast before leaving to Eid ul Fitr prayer.

A hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari from Anas Ibn Malik (ra) who said:

"The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would not go out on the morning of ` Eid Al-Fitr until he had eaten some dates... and he would eat an odd number." (Al-Bukhari, 953)

-It is mustahab to eat before coming out because this confirms that we are not allowed to fast on this day, and demonstrates that the fast is now over.
-Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) explained that this is to prevent people extending the fast and it also means obeying the commandment of Allah. (Fath, 2/446).
-If a person does not have any dates, he can eat anything permissible for breakfast.

8. Also there is Eid Takbeer which should be started and done from Maghrib of the night of Eid to Asr of the day of Eid and especially on way to Eid prayer.

"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Laa ilaaha illallahu Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar , Wa lillahil Hamd."

(Allah is the greatest, He is the greatest. There is no god except Allah. He is the greatest. All praises and thanks are for Him)

This is one of the greatest Sunnahs of this day.

9. Go to Eid prayer early

10. Pray in congregation in an open place or in a masjid.

11. Listen to Eid khutbah.

It was reported that 'Abd-Allah Ibn Al-Sa'ib said:

"I attended Eid with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and when he had finished the prayer, he said: "We are going to give a khutbah, so whoever wishes to sit (and listen) to the khutbah, let him sit down, and whoever wants to leave, let him go.'"

-Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his book Al-Majmoo' Sharh Al-Muhadhdhab, p. 23: "It is mustahabb (recommended) for people to listen to the khutbah, although the khutbah and listening to it are not essential conditions of the Eid prayer.

-Al-Shafa'i said: 'If someone does not listen to the khutbah of Eid, at the time of an eclipse, when prayers for rain are offered, or during Hajj, or he speaks during one of these khutbahs, or leaves, I would not like this, but he does not have to repeat the prayer."

12. Take one route to Eid prayer and another one back.

Jabir Ibn 'Abd-Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to vary his routes on the day of Eid. ( Al-Bukhari, 986)

13. Give Zakatul Fitr on Eid Day.

14. Exchange greetings and glad tidings upon one another.

Jubayr Ibn Nufayr said: "At the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), when people met one another on the day of Eid, they would say, 'Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minka' (May Allah accept from us and from you)."

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Kullu A'aamin Wa Antum Bi Khair..!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lailatul Qadar


Hadrat Anas RA meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

" Pada malam kemuliaan Lailatul Qadar maka turunlah malaikat Jibril a.s ke dunia dengan sekumpulan malaikat, lalu berdo'a memohon rahmat ke atas setiap hamba Allah yang mereka lihat sedang beribadat, berdiri atau duduk sambil berzikir kepada Allah.
Kemudian pada hari Eid (Aidil Fitri) Allah berbangga-bangga mengenai mereka kepada malaikat-malaikat (yang pernah mempersoalkan penciptaan Adam a.s dahulu), " Wahai malaikat-malaikatKu, apakah ganjaran bagi orang yang telah menyempurnakan kerjanya dengan baik?"
Mereka pun menjawab : " Wahai Allah, sepatutnyalah ganjaran yang sepenuhnya diberikan kepadanya."
Maka Allah menjawab : "Wahai malaikat-malaikatKu, sesungguhnya hamba-hambaKu ini, lelaki dan wanita telah menyempurnakan kewajipan yang telah difardhukan ke atas mereka, kemudian mereka pun keluar menuju ke tanah tempat solat Aidil Fitri meninggikan suara doa mereka kepadaKu. Daku bersumpah demi kemuliaan-Ku, kemegahanKu, kehormatanKu, ketinggianKu, dan tempatKu yang tertinggi, pasti akan Daku makbulkan doa-doa mereka ini.

Kemudian Allah pun berfirman kepada manusia :

" Kembalilah kamu sekalian, Daku telah ampunkan dosa-dosa kamu, dan menggantikan perbuatan-perbuatan maksiatmu dengan kebaikan (hasanat).
Orang-orang ni pun kembali dengan pengampunan terhadap dosa-dosa mereka. (Baihaqi)


Diriwayatkan bahawa setelah Jibril a.s turun, beliau pun mengarahkan para malaikat pergi ke rumah-rumah setiap orang yang sibuk dengan ibadat, sambil memberi salam dan berjabat tangan dengannya. Kemudian bertebaranlah para malaikat ke semua arah menziarahi setiap tempat tinggal samada besar atau kecil, samada di hutan atau di atas kapal yang terdapat orang-orang yang beriman untuk berjabat tangan dengan mereka.

Walaubagaimanapun, rumah2 yang tertentu tidak akan dimasuki oleh malaikat2, yakni rumah yg ada didalamnya anjing atau khinzir, rumah yg ada penghuninya berkeadaan janabah, penzinaan dan juga rumah2 yg terdapat gambar manusia dan binatang dipampangkan.

Betapa malangnya disebabkan hanya gambar-gambar manusia dan binatang yang dipampangkan untuk hiasan banyaklah rumah orang2 Islam dinafikan daripada kemasukan malaikat2 rahmat..............

"Oh Allah, we plead to you, to not deprive us from your mercy on this auspicious night Lailatul Qadar"

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Where Did U Come From?

Allah Or The Monkeys?

A little girl asked her mother: 'How did the human race appear?' The mother answered, 'God made Adam and Eve; they had children; and so was all of humankind made.' Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, 'Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.' The confused girl returned to her mother and said, 'Mum, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?' The mother answered, 'Well, Dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family, and your father told you about his.'
Source: Radio Islam Newsletter (Thursday)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Kata-Kata Imam Al-Ghazali

* Seseorang yang kehilangan hasrat untuk mengetahui ilmu adalah semisal orang yang kehilangan nafsu makan, atau seperti orang yang suka makan roti yang bercampur dengan tanah liat

* Jika seseorang tidak mengetahui jiwanya sendiri yang paling dekat kepadanya, maka apa gunanya ia menuntut pelbagai macam ilmu yang beraneka ragam itu?

* Apabila cinta kepada Allah sudah sempurna, maka tidak ada sesuatu kesenangan yang dapat melebihi kesenangan dalam melakukan ibadah.

* Alam yang maha luas ini adalah kitab,syair,lukisan,ukiran dan bangunan yang penuh keindahan dan rahsia.Tidak terbatas tentunya limu dan kekuasaan Penciptanya.Setiap yang indah itu dicinta tetapi yang indah mutlak hanyalah satu.Bahagialah orang yang telah sempurna cintanya kepada Dia.Kesempurnaan cintanya itu ialah kerana ia menginsafi tanasub (persesuaian) batin antara dirinya dengan Dia.

* Membantah sesuatu keterangan sebelum mengerti benar-benar hakikat keterangan itu, hanya akan menjadi bantahan serampangan saja.

* Ilmu hakiki itu ialah yang memberi keyakinan bahawa maksiat itu racun yang membunuh dan bahawa akhirat itu lebih utama daripada dunia.barangsiapa takut akan hal ini, maka ia tidak akan melepaskan yang lebih utama untuk mengambil yang nista.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Allah's Power

*This was a forwarded email by one of my friends.

This is not a co incidence. I have one more example regarding Allah’s power. Last year Muslims decided to boycott Danish products because a Danish Newspaper printed cartoons of our Prophet (PBUH). To support the Danish government, ALL European countries reprinted the cartoons on the same day as if to say “You can ruin the Danish economy by boycotting Danish products. Now try and hurt all our economies if you can.” After that a deep economic crisis occurred where the economies of all these countries were in trouble.
Allah Akbar. Nothing can match the power of Allah.

Assalaam wa-alekum

few months ago, the Western countries made fun of the niqaab (Islamic Burqa/Veil).

France President Sarcossy had issued a ban on the Viel(Niqaab)

And what’s happening today??

Entire world is wearing niqaab



Allah hu Akbar

Is such a sudden attack of swine flu a coincidence?

No way.